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Speeding was responsible for almost 30% of traffic deaths in 2020. It killed over 30 people per day. Car accidents that involve speeding vehicles are more devastating than those that don’t break legal limits.
Car accidents are considered speed-related if they result from a driver who broke the speed limit, was racing, and was charged with a speed-based offense. As you increase your speed by 10 mph, your chances of getting into a crash double. This includes chances of you getting seriously injured and damaging property. So a 30 mph crash carries much more energy and destructive power than a 20 mph one.
As per Newton’s Laws, energy cannot be created or destroyed – it can only be transferred. So you should consider getting Illinois car insurance if your commute has speeding drivers.
When a car crashes, its kinetic energy determines the impact force it exerts on the other vehicle, pedestrian, or bicyclist. The higher the power, the worse the impact. Small increases in speed increase that energy. So a 30 mph crash has twice as much energy as one that is 10 mph less.
Here are some ways speeding contributes to car accidents:
The bottom line is that it is in your best interests to remain within the speed limit. High-speed car accidents can be deadly and are almost always fatal. But if you are late for work or have to rush to the hospital, you may floor it too often. Illinois car insurance can ensure you don’t have to pay the total amount for damages and medical care out of pocket.
SIA Insurance Group understands that car accidents are common during rush hour and emergencies. We offer car insurance and risk management solutions that can mitigate risks. This includes a complete Illinois car insurance plan that can cover your fleet of trucks and other vehicles for your business.
We partner with the best stable carriers in the industry so our clients can rest easy. With their help, we have been able to provide insurance programs that are not only highly efficient but also cost-saving. Some industries we serve include wholesale, manufacturing, construction, restaurants, real estate, and more. Contact us in Woodridge for a consultation today!
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